مدیاویکی:Gadget-igloo/glooInit.js: تفاوت میان نسخهها
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نسخهٔ کنونی تا ۲ اوت ۲۰۲۳، ساعت ۱۸:۰۲
/* ======================================================== *\
** igloo frontend manager - init
** @author Kangaroopower
** igloo concept and initial code by Alex Barley (User:Ale_jrb on Wikipedia)
\* ======================================================== */
function iglooInitControl() {
var iglooInit = this,
remoteConnect = false,
firstRun = false,
connectLocal = false, //this is never used except when iglooNet is down
// initialisation sequence
this.init = function(callback) {
switch (callback) {
document.title = 'igloo is loading - please wait';
case '1':
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('- Checking for usergroups...');
var groups = mw.config.get('wgUserGroups');
for ( var i = 0; i < groups.length; i ++ ) {
if ( (groups[i] === 'rollbacker') || (groups[i] === 'sysop') || (groups[i] === 'steward') ) {
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('- Usergroup OK!');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
return true;
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('<div style="color: #dd6666;">- Warning: rollback rights are required to use igloo. Loading stopped.</div>', true);
case '2':
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('- Checking read API...');
if (true === true) {
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('- Read API OK!');
} else {
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('<div style="color: #dd6666;">- Warning: read API access is requried for igloo for run. Loading stopped.</div>', true);
return false;
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('- Checking write API...');
if (true === true) {
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('- Write API OK!');
} else {
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('<div style="color: #dd6666;">- Warning: write API access is requried for igloo for run. Loading stopped.</div>', true);
return false;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
case '3':
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('- Retrieving resources...');
iglooImport(window.iglooBase +'src/glooMain.js', true).onload = function () {
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('- Retrieved Resources!');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
case '4':
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('- Retrieving settings...');
if (mw.user.options.get('userjs-iglooFirstRun') === null) {
firstRun = true;
Flash('preferences').load({key: 'userjs-iglooFirstRun', value: 'false'}).wait(function (data) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
case '5':
if (/*mw.user.options.get('userjs-iglooRemoteConnect') === null ||*/ firstRun === true) {
var remoteClick = false;
firstRun = true;
/*igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('Note: This appears to be your first time connecting to igloo');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('<span style="font-color:red">You should no that there are two ways to store data in igloo- iglooNet and locally</span>');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('iglooNet is a remote server hosted on Wikimedia Labs, but run by igloo developers.');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('<span style="color:red">We don\'t collect IP adresses or any other personal info, just user defined settings and a session key tied to your account</span>');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('Connecting locally means that your settings are stored on Wikipedia.');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('<span style="font-color:red">This is less reliable, and settings may vanish, but it also means that nobody else (except the WMF) can see your settings.</span>');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('Before we proceed further, igloo will require you to choose a method of connection');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('You will always be allowed to reset your method of storage later through the settings module in igloo.');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('One last note: If you choose to connect to iglooNet, igloo still stores settings locally as a backup in case iglooNet is down.');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('However, if you store settings only locally and they are lost, there is no way to retrieve them.');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('<center><span id="ig-remoteConnect" style="margin:auto; width: 170px; border: 1px solid rgb(68, 68, 68); background-color: rgb(241, 241, 241); color: #0b0080; font-size: 1.35em; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;">Connect Remotely</span> <span id="ig-localConnect" style="margin:auto; width: 170px; border: 1px solid rgb(68, 68, 68); background-color: rgb(241, 241, 241); color: #0b0080; font-size: 1.35em; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;">Connect Locally</span></center>');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus(''); */
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('Note: This appears to be your first time connecting to igloo');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('Please note that Igloo stores your settings on Wikipedia\'s servers and has no access to it');
/* $('#ig-remoteConnect').click(function () {
remoteClick = true;
Flash('preferences').load({key: 'userjs-iglooRemoteConnect', value: 'true'}).wait(function (data) {
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('You have decided to store settings remotely. You can change this later in igloo settings.');
remoteConnect = true;
//connect to server here and retrieve session key
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
}); */
//$('#ig-localConnect').click(function () {
// if (remoteClick) return;
Flash('preferences').load({key: 'userjs-iglooRemoteConnect', value: 'false'}).wait(function (data) {
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('You have decided to store settings locally. You can change this later in igloo settings.');
remoteConnect = false;
sessionKey = null;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
} /*else if (mw.user.options.get('userjs-iglooRemoteConnect') === "true" && connectLocal !== true) {
firstRun = false;
remoteConnect = true;
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('<span style="font-color:red">At some time in the past, you decided to connect to iglooNet.</span>');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('If you wish to connect locally instead, please change this in your igloo settings.');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('Remember, igloo only stores settings and a session id- no IP adresses or personal info.');
//Connect to server here
//include way to see if server is online, and if not, redo iglooInit step 5
//except with the way to connect locally instead
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
} */else {
remoteConnect = false;
firstRun = false;
sessionKey = null;
/*igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('You have decided to connect locally, hosting your settings on Wikipedia servers');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('This means igloo does not host any info on you, but your info can also be lost more easily.');
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('If you wish to change and connect to iglooNet, you may do so in iglooSettings');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
case '6':
igLauncher.runIglooInterface.addStatus('Loading complete! igloo will launch in a few seconds...');
setTimeout(function() {
isFirstRun: firstRun,
doRemoteConnect: remoteConnect,
sessionId: sessionKey,
isDown: connectLocal
}, 1000);
function iglooInitInterface() {
var iglooInterface = this;
this.iglooStatus = [];
this.startInterface = function() {
// blank page, generate interface object to work with.
this.canvas = new jin.Canvas();
// Create Background
this.iglooBack = new jin.Panel();
this.iglooBack.setPosition(0, 0);
this.iglooBack.setSize(0, 0);
//Secondary Background
this.initInterface = new jin.Panel();
this.initInterface.setPosition(0, 0);
this.initInterface.setSize(650, 400);
//Status Window
this.initInterfaceStatus = new jin.Panel();
this.initInterfaceStatus.setPosition(100, 17);
this.initInterfaceStatus.setSize(450, 350);
// Combine interface elements.
// Do initial render.
//Content and extra css
this.center(this.initInterface.panel, [0, -50]);
padding: '7px',
border: '1px solid '+ jin.Colour.DARK_GREY,
'font-size': '10px'
$(this.initInterfaceStatus.panel).append('<div style="padding-top: 9px;">Welcome to igloo! Please be patient while igloo starts up, as this can take some time.<div id="iglooStatusContent" style="padding-top: 6px;"></div></div>');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
this.addStatus = function(message, noEndline) {
// add a message to the status output, and display it.
if (this.iglooStatus.length > 20) this.iglooStatus.splice(0, 1);
if (!noEndline) {
message += '<br />';
if (document.getElementById('iglooStatusContent') !== null) {
document.getElementById('iglooStatusContent').innerHTML = this.iglooStatus.join('');
return true;
} else {
return false;
this.center = function (el, offset) {
// center - places the window in the centre of the user's screen. set maintainCenter to true and this position will be kept even if
// the window is resized.
var screenWidth = parseInt(this.canvas.canvasBase.children[0].style.width, 10),
screenHeight = parseInt(this.canvas.canvasBase.children[0].style.height, 10),
myWidth = el.offsetWidth,
myHeight = el.offsetHeight,
leftPos = ((screenWidth / 2) - (myWidth / 2)),
topPos = ((screenHeight / 2) - (myHeight / 2)),
me = this;
if ($.isArray(offset)) {
leftPos += offset[0];
topPos += offset[1];
'left': leftPos + 'px',
'top': topPos + 'px'
$(window).resize(function() {
me.center(el, offset);
return true;
function iglooInit () {
//Perform page checks
this.runIglooInterface = new iglooInitInterface();
this.runIglooInit = new iglooInitControl();
this.launch = function () {
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') !== 'Wikipedia:Igloo/run' || mw.config.get('wgAction') !== 'view') return;
var igLauncher = new iglooInit();